Understanding Change in Education System

Monday, 21 May 2012

By: Mudasir Tantry
Those who are not educators think that they understand education because they themselves and perhaps their children’s have been students, when they become directly involved through parent-teacher organizations, they quickly gain an appreciation of the nature of education. True holds for the educational reform, the problems of education and the appropriate solutions appear to be easy to identify. The more one knows about the problems and the proposed solutions, the more actually one knows how the complex educational reform is. Information complicates understanding, but at the same time it makes possible the discovery of hidden patterns that can lead to making sense of the complexity that is inherent in all human systems. Educational reforms have a greater potential to gain wide-spread support. Most aspects of educational system remain the same. Educational changes on the other hand have a many fold problem; transformative change is very complex and requires reeducation of the public. Changes require public understanding of something that is new and outside of their personal experience with education. Any discussion of educational change needs an understanding, for a change to succeed, so public support particularly of teacher community is an essential requirement. Educational changes are more clinical and less political in process, in the sense that those who propose change are not concerned about political action for successful implementation. Politics should not be put to challenge the educational, social and cultural practices that are in place and targeted for change. 

The integrated research base implies that professionalism in the field have a common language, an understanding of all of research methodologies employed in their field, and ability to see how the various kinds of research in their field connect with each other. Even though each discipline within the field has its own protocols, a reasoned course of action can be planned and implemented. Any educational graduate student quickly learns that quantitative and qualitative researchers see knowledge in different ways. Some scholars have identified this distinction in research methodology as the key factor that problematizes how and what we know about all aspects of education. It also contributes significantly to the problems associated with educations professional change. The dilemma that is created by this divide is not merely about how to do research but also involves the purpose of research, the origin of knowledge and the subsequent basis for education making. To fully understand this requires a keen look at the current condition of our curriculum. 

My Take 

When we talk of education system in India and that too in our state of J&K, it needs a concrete reform, I might not go into the details here but one may get senseless smell from this aroma, following things need to be done starting from elementary education: 
  • Our school exams, (I am referring o 5th, 8th and 10th standards) should not be BOSE prioritized as this provides some sort of hiccups to provide basic education to all. Instead an evaluative unitizations which will take the results score of each unit countable in the final marks sheet should be there. Reason behind that is that this may provide a candidate opportunity to show his talent. 
  • At intermediate level English which is compulsory subject, need to be Communicative English only, there is no need to put details of English scholars, dramas etc, these application will provide opportunities students to target on other subjects whom they make a goal, particularly science borrowed students. Communicative English will generate English communication, which seems to be compulsory. 
  • Scientific temperament is very important, it should be made compulsory to have science subjects upto 12th standard, as science washes the idle brain. 
  • The 12th standard should me more standardized, should be made little bit more comprehensive as this transits school education from the higher one. Evaluation system for this exam should be thorough for this exam. 
  • In colleges English as one of the subject should be removed, provide three subject theory to college undergraduates so that the time which they spent on it, will get commutative on other subjects. 
  • Masters should made more optional, as the subject becomes optional, your understanding of the subject becomes proliferative and that too helps in research perspectives. 
  • Our M.Phil program seems to be devil mans idle time, instead that much time should be put in PhD programme. 
  • Our Doctorate (PhD) programme needs a major change, we in our system get little practical training and that is not enough to go into market after PhD. 
  • PhD programme be based on American System. PhD programme should of eight semesters, with some comprehensive theory papers and student should have to submit ORP (Original Research Proposal). ORP is an innovative idea (not merely synopsis) where student can think of any research problem and document it, so that it will become idea to get a project, worth to work on. It helps the students about research ideas and how to go after PhD (even after becoming Academician or Researcher). It helps them how to document research done by them through practical’s as manuscripts. Most of manuscripts of our PhD graduates are being written their supervisors, this is not supervisors are reluctant towards their students, this is because, students have not confidence in them how to review and document it properly. So ORP should be mandatory for a PhD graduate, this will cope them how to adjust with USA or European research standards where most the funding comes from ORPs. We have in India funding agencies such as DST, DBT etc, but we lack understanding how to generate innovate ideas, this will be only when we incalculate some sort of ORP at PhD level. Comprehensiveness should too be in teach. 
Suggestions should not be generalized, these are authors personal opinions. Mudasir Tantry is a Research Scientist at University of Mississippi, USA 
Feedback: mudaek@gmail.com

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